How To Pitch Your Promotional Products Business
To compete in the promotional sales market, you must differentiate yourself from the competition...

Struggling to excite your customers? Nearly 85% of people will do business with a company that gave them a promotional product, making the promotional products industry a proven success as a marketing strategy - but there is a science to it. The market is scattered with various promotional products, varying from T-shirts and hats, to mugs and pens.
To compete in the promotional sales market, you must differentiate yourself from the competition whether in cost, product or both, as there are so many different distributors. One of the most effective ways to tackle this is through creating unique and engaging pitches for your business, to become the ultimate leader in persuasion.
People often struggle with this notion, finding B2B business a tedious profession. This type of belief stems from lack of imagination, as the truth is that one-size-fits-all marketing fits no one. You need to take the time to understand the facets of your customers’ needs and tastes, and once you grasp these concepts B2B goes from feeling tedious to a unique challenge that will emotionally connect you to your audience. In the long run, this serves to create business rather than hurt your company’s reputation, so continue reading and discover just some of the useful methods to pitch your promotional products business.
Inspire Your Customers
B2B marketing is changing, with many businesses now implementing the unified approach of ‘we’re marketing to humans’ and you need to demonstrate this by taking your pitch through an engagement journey. Your audience needs to understand from your perspective that change is a good thing, as it gives people the opportunity to experience and embrace what your promotional products brand means to them in their daily jobs. Think of the last time you were inspired, perhaps how it made you feel, and how you can get your audience to echo those same feelings. Overall, engaged employees help to sell your business, as customers always appreciate any knowledge you can give to them, so take the time to inspire your customers by creating fun and engaging content such as social media posts, quotes, blogs and images.
Understand Why Promotional Products Are Awesome
Promotional products are one of the most traditional forms of marketing, yet they can be used in a variety of contexts and applications. When helping to find a useful product, the real power of promotional items comes from their lasting power. This is because you are allowing businesses to create a brand around their products or services that shares the same idea as you in wanting customers to engage with your company, and become an ongoing ambassador for your brand. People love receiving gifts that are both creative and thoughtful, as it keeps them happy, and this is essentially what you are creating for other businesses as they have a practical use. You also have the added bonus of providing users with a virtual experience through interactive strategies on platforms such as social media.
Have A Conversation
To pitch your business, you need to have a conversation with your potential customers rather than starting a sales pitch. This gives you the green light to obtain an in-depth understanding of their goals, needs and wants, and listen to their concerns to see how you can help. Understanding the full range of your products lines will help you to recognise opportunities for growth for your clients, making sure your solutions solve real problems. Having this conversation will teach you more about their company, plus it demonstrates that you value their opinion and aren’t just treating them as the money makers. Customers will acknowledge that your business prospects are personal rather than transactional, helping to build more knowledge and durable relationships.
Focus On Quality
Most buyers want quality items, as they have more ability to elevate a brand. A low quality item serves to hurt your business’s reputation, and to avoid this you need to send out a clear message that your business regards far more than products and price. Explain this to potential clients and show them an actual difference in products, in return they will be happy that they are associating their brand with quality products, rather than going for the cheapest options. It also validates that you put quality over price, whilst also indicating that lower-priced options are still available when needed.
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